A virtual tour of Ezy Carnival...

Scroll through the following images to get an idea of what Ezy Carnival looks like in action. Click on an image to see it full-size.

Setting up for the Carnival

Set up your carnival programme using Ezy Carnival's familiar grid-like interface.

The Athletes window lets you perform a number of automatic operations on your list of carnival competitors -- including importing names from your school database -- or edit manually.

Optionally enter and edit your school's record holder information. Each score you enter on carnival day is checked against this list and you are notified if a record breaker is entered, with the option to automatically update the record holder table.

Spend as much time or as little time as you prefer creating standards on which your events will be scored -- either based on times/distances, or based on placement in an event.


During the Carnival

Enter scores in real-time at your carnival, using a screen designed to look like a score card. Points are automatically calculated and House totals displayed on the same screen.

If you're using handhelds (Palm Pilots), events are navigated in much the same way as on your desktop or laptop computer. In this screenshot, the handheld user could be the marshal at a jump pit, or move from station to station with the Palm in his/her pocket. Each screen on the handheld is fully interactive, with lines and controls "tappable" with the handheld's on-board stylus.

Nominations for each event can be entered ahead of your carnival, or athletes can be chosen on the spot from an interactive list displaying athletes that fit the event's criteria, such as, in this case, "15 year old girls". Points are calculated automatically based on Scores or Places entered, and you can switch between Score View and Points View.


During or After the Carnival

Choose from a range of easy-to-use reports to view your carnival data at any time.

Reports are a couple of mouse-clicks away, and if you've got a printer attached, simply click the Print button for a printout of what you see on your screen.




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